Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Lower Myanmar)

Education System in Myanmar :
Self-Evaluation and Future Plans

4. Education Development Plans

With the aim of further developing the education sector, and in particular, to strive for the development of highly qualified human resources and to introduce human resource development programmes, the Ministry of Education formulated the Special Four-Year Education Development Plan to be implemented from 2000-2001 FY to 2003-2004 FY. The Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan (2001-2002 FY – 2030-2031 FY) has also been implemented in six phases of five-year duration each. 2012 is the 1st year of the third phase of five-year education development plan. These education development programmes were realized with the vision:
To create an education system that will generate a learning society capable of facing the challenges of the Knowledge Age.

4.1 Basic Education Sub-sector

To develop the basic education sub-sector, education development plans have been implemented.

4.1.1 Special Four-Year Education Development Plan

The six work programmes outlined in the plan for the basic education sub-sector are:
* to revise and reform the basic education curriculum
* to introduce a new assessment system, to redefine the completion of basic education and to restructure the university entrance examination
* to introduce multimedia classrooms to enhance the teaching-learning process
* to upgrade the quality of teacher education
* to support all-round development activities
* to universalize primary education

4.1.2 Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan

The ten programmes being implemented in the basic education sub-sector under the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan are:
1. Creating an education system for modernization and development of the country
2. Basic Education for All
3. Improving the quality of basic education
4. Providing access to pre-vocational education and vocational education at different basic education levels
5. Improving access to teaching learning and communication technology leading towards e-education
6. Producing all-round developed citizens
7. Capacity building for educational management
8. Carrying out basic education activities in collaboration with the community
9. Improving non-formal education activities
10. Improving educational research

4.2 Higher Education Sub-sector

To develop the higher education sub-sector, education development plans have been implemented.

4.2.1 Special Four-Year Education Development Plan

The Special Four-Year Education Development Plan defined 21programmes to be implemented by the higher education sub-sector from 2000-2001 FY to 2003-2004 FY. The special plan defined 21 programmes to be implemented by the higher education sub-sectors. These programmes focus on five core areas:
* promotion of the quality of education
* introduction of ICT in education
* advancement of research
* development of a lifelong learning society, and
* enhancement of international collaborations
This Plan has led to the renewal of core capabilities and facilities and the extensive applications of ICT in the higher education sub-sector.

4.2.2 Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan

The Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan has also been implemented for the development of the higher education sub-sector. The main task of the plan is Promoting Accessibility, Quality and Diversity. 6 Core areas and 36 Programmes

The Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan contains 36 programmes for the higher education sector which focus on six areas that would generate qualitative development of higher education and contribute to national development endeavours and preservation of national identity and culture.
The six core areas under focus are:
1. Development of human resource
2. Utilization of technology
3. Expansion of research
4. Development of a lifelong learning society
5. Promotion of the quality of education and
6. Preservation of national identity and national values.
The 36 programmes are:
* Human Resource Development (2 Programmes)
* Utilization of Technology Section (6 Programmes)
* Research Section (3 Programmes)
* Lifelong Learning Society Section (9 Programmes)
* Qualitative Transformation of Education Section (15 Programmes)
* Preservation of National Identity and National Values Section (1 Programme)