Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Lower Myanmar)

Education System in Myanmar :
Self-Evaluation and Future Plans

6. Stakeholders and National Economic System

Producing highly qualified human resources needed by the state is the main duty of universities. Universities should identify the needs of the community and the stakeholders, and fulfil these needs.

6.1 Stakeholders

In trying to promote the national economy, it is necessary to harness the interests of stakeholders such as bankers, technicians, entrepreneurs, businessmen, experts from different organizations such as Financial Institutions, Industrial Organizations, Engineering Associations, Agriculture Associations, ICT Associations, Trade Associations, Social Organizations, other Research Departments, UN, INGOs, NGOs and Authorities and make them share their experiences and best practices in order to improve the availability of skilled and disciplined labour and to address challenges faced by the nation.


Figure 5. Education Sectors and their stakeholders


Fig 6. An Integrated linkage system of education-employment-welfare

6.2 System Progress of the National Economy

In the processes of the development of the state, the country has gone through the labour-intensive farming and the mechanized farming and is now leading to industrialized economy, but it still needs to reach high-tech economy and education-based economy.


Fig 7. Knowledge Creative Type


Fig 8. Implementation Strategies