Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Lower Myanmar)

Panorama of Myanmar Higher Education

8. Conclusion

The plans, programmes, activities and strategies mentioned in this account of the Myanmar higher education sector are playing a leading role to the restructuring of higher education to fulfil the educational goals of the country in the new century. Successful implementation of the programmes and projects of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan has resulted in multifaceted development and unprecedented changes in the higher education sector. The plan is making enormous contributions to the development of qualified human resource with higher education institutions reaching out to local communities to equip them with advanced skills and knowledge. The plan has also made appropriate investments for the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and provided the required facilities for the effective utilization of information technology in both learning and teaching. The plan has generated renewed interest in research with the setting of new objectives, upgrading of research facilities and the establishment of new research centres. Through the harnessing of the learning centres established throughout the length and breadth of the country and the introduction of the One-Campus-Multi-System initiatives with the provision of educational and training programmes with convenient hours and flexible entry requirements, the plan is contributing to the emergence of a lifelong learning society. With the introduction of new teaching methodologies, modernized curricula, new programmes, increase in the number of higher education institutions and facilities and better-trained faculty, the quality of education is being promoted on an extensive basis. In addition, the education sector is contributing to the preservation of national identity and national values through programmes that raise consciousness of the wealth of Myanmar’s history, and form strong commitment to the safeguarding of Myanmar’s rich culture and time-tested traditional values in the face of the deluge of alien culture and values. In brief, the education promotion programmes being undertaken are enhancing the building of a robust higher education system that can further serve Myanmar’s needs as it strives to become a modern and developed nation. Furthermore, they will equip Myanmar citizens with quality education, advanced skills and knowledge needed in an increasingly competitive environment and create a strong foundation for the pursuit of lifelong learning and at the same time nurture the cultural roots and identity of Myanmar.