Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Lower Myanmar)

Education System in Myanmar :
Self-Evaluation and Future Plans

2. Education Law

All schools in Myanmar abide by the Basic Education Law and all universities and colleges under 13 different Ministries follow the University Education Law.

2.1 Basic Education Law

The Basic Education Law was promulgated in 1964 and repealed in 1973 and amended in 1983 and 1989. In accordance with the existing Basic Education Law, the following educational objectives are set: -
* To enable every citizen of Union of Myanmar to become a physical and mental worker well-equipped with basic education, good health and moral character.
* To lay foundations for vocational education for the benefit of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
* To give precedence to the teaching of science capable of strengthening and developing productive forces
* To give precedence to the teaching of arts capable of preservation and development of culture, fine arts, and literature of the state and
* To lay a firm and sound educational foundation for further pursuance of university education.

2.2 University Education Law

The University Education Law was promulgated in 1964 and repealed in 1973 and amended in 1983, 1989 and 1998. Universities are established in accordance with this existing law. Universities established by this law are categorized into Arts and Science Universities and Professional Institutions. The establishment of Colleges and Academies affiliated to Universities requires the consents of the law. Only the universities founded in compliance with this University Education Law can confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other university honorary degrees. Preparations are being made to reform the law to be in line with the development of the State.

2.3 Technical, Agricultural and Vocational Education Law

Technical, Agricultural and Vocational Education Law was promulgated in 1974 and amended in 1989. The activities of the Department of Technical and Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Technology are based on this existing law.