Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
(Lower Myanmar)

Panorama of Myanmar Higher Education

3. Seminars to Promote Education (1997 – 2012)

3.1. Annual Seminars on

Since 1997, annual seminars on the higher education sub-sector have been held to initiate reforms. The seminars held between 1997 and 2000 produced the first wave of changes while the latter ones focused on implementation of education promotion plans. The seminars related to the promotion of higher education held between 1997 and 1999 are important milestones in the annals of the education sector. The seminars had a great impact on the crafting of higher education to satisfy the demand for better-qualified human resource to meet the new challenges stemming from the increasing demand for higher education, the emergence of new modalities of learning and the need to be responsive to the requirements for better-qualified human resource by a modernizing economy. A wide array of tertiary education promotion issues including relevancy and responsiveness of existing courses, redesigning of course structure, reform of the assessment system, introduction of faculty development programmes, harnessing of ICT in higher education, enhancement of cooperation with foreign institutions, creation of an alternative delivery modality for higher education and the introduction of new programmes to promote human resources development, was addressed.


Union Minister for Education giving an address at the Opening Ceremony of the Seminar on National Education Development, 2012

The seminars held in 2000, 2001, 2002 focused on the formulation, implementation and review of programmes on national education development and the realization of the education vision: To create an education system that will generate a learning society capable of facing the challenges of the Knowledge Age in accordance with the national motto: Building a modern developed nation through education.

Union Minister for Education and party viewing the research journals
These seminars have acted as a major resource in transforming Myanmar into a peaceful, modern, developed nation. Major areas focused by each seminar on higher education are listed below:


Year Areas Focused
October 1997
  • Introduction of a modular credit system
  • Review of the examination system
  • Redefining duration of postgraduate courses
March 1998
  • Review of undergraduate courses including curricula, duration and content
  • Introduction of multidisciplinary courses and the credit system
  • Examination practices and eligibility for postgraduate studies
May 1998
  • Review of role of higher education institutions and manpower needs of the nation
  • Delivery of flexible alternative modes of education
  • Initiation of income generating activities and provision of incentive for the staff
  • Initiation of human resource development programmes
  • Establishment of National Centre for Human Resource Development (NCHRD) and Centres for HRD in various tertiary institutions
May 1999
  • Review of postgraduate programmes
  • Upgrading facilities to cater to doctoral courses and research
  • Introduction of multidisciplinary programmes
  • Inclusion of computer courses at undergraduate levels
  • Introduction of teacher quality upgrading programmes
  • Review of the distance education system
  • Utilization of information and communication technology in the higher education sector
April 2000
  • Equity and quality issues for the two Universities of Distance Education
  • Issue of Recognition of Prior Learning (PRL) and the creation of a national academic entity for maintaining Education Credit Bank
  • Implementation of the programmes of the Special Four-Year Plan relating to promotion of the quality of education
    • Introduction of ICT in education
    • Advancement of research
    • Development of a lifelong learning society, and
    • Enhancement of international collaborations
April 2001
  • Review of achievement in the implementation of the programmes set by the Special Four-Year Plan
  • Discussions on the 36 programmes to be implemented under the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan related to
    • Development of human resource
    • Utilization of technology
    • Expansion of research
    • Development of a lifelong learning society
    • Promotion of the quality of education, and
    • Preservation of national identity and national values
April 2002
  • Review of achievement in the implementation of the first year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year
  • Discussion on 21 papers related to
    • Local and international education issues
    • Developments in the international tertiary education domain regarding distance education, higher education management and teaching of foreign languages
    • Upgrading of the English language proficiency of administrators, faculty and higher education students
    • Enhancing research in the higher education sub-sector with focus on funding sources, training in research methodology, research areas and the undertaking of collaborative research
    • Expanding the programme to nurture gifted students
    • Promoting distance education and learning facilities by expanding and improving undergraduate courses, introducing new postgraduate courses, initiating faculty development programmes specifically tailored for those involved in distance education, improving distance education instruction, making more effective use of learning centres and developing a distance education organization in Myanmar that reflects the scope and scale of operation of distance education in the country
    • Introducing the faculty system at higher education institutions in line with international practices
    • Defining the role of higher education institutions in fulfilling community needs, and the type of educational programmes that could be offered using the networks of learning centres, community learning centres, and other means available
    • Defining subject combinations offered at high schools and possible choices of Higher Education Institutions and specializations and comparison of international matriculation systems with that of Myanmar to implement programmes on diversification and development of specialization programmes
    • Projecting ratio of students, teachers and building facilities until 2007
    • Developing the ICT infrastructure and network, and computerization programme for the higher education sub-sector to facilitate teaching, management, and collection of information
May 2003
  • Reviewing progress of the implementation of the second year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year
  • Discussion on 26 papers related to
    • Expanding basic and applied research
    • Promoting the teaching of English
    • Enhancing the distance education system, and forming linkages with the conventional system
    • Improving use of IT faculties
    • Introducing faculty system at higher education institutions
    • Facilitating the computerization of the higher education sub-sector
    • Making HRD courses more responsive to local needs
    • Revising the curricula
    • Improving management, teaching and faculty development using quality platform as measurement
May 2004
  • Reviewing progress of implementation of the third year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year
  • Discussion on 23 papers related to
    • Promoting quality of research and researchers and carrying out researches that contribute to the region in which the institutions are located
    • Revising curriculum of teacher training programmes to include developments in the field of ICT
    • Increasing human resource development programmes that contribute to regional production and trade
    • Promoting the teaching of English to enhance teaching, learning and management
    • Upgrading the quality of faculty
    • Reviewing the computerization of the higher education sub-sector and programmes to develop the quality of ICT utilization
    • Making effective use of ICT in higher education departments and institutions to enhance teaching, learning and management
    • Enhancing the quality of teaching
    • Introducing values education to nurture good citizens and to uphold Myanmar culture and traditions
    • Initiating other means of evaluation in addition to the matriculation examination conducted on a nationwide basis to enable students to pursue higher education to develop qualified human resource
    • Enhancing faculty welfare
May 2005
  • Reviewing progress of implementation of the fourth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year
  • Discussion on 10 papers related to
    • Transformation of Traditional Management System to ICT-Based Management System with Quality Assurance
    • Current Status of the Utilization of ICT in Academic Programmes and the Initiation of Programmes that Directly Nurture and Train ICT Specialists and Programmes for the 2005-2006 Fiscal Year
    • Inclusion of Project Work in Undergraduate Programmes as Partial Requirements for the Conferring of Degrees
    • Initiation of Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Based on Integrated Regional Researches that were Conducted
    • Introduction of Sports Programmes at Universities where Feasible
    • Classification of researches to be Conducted that have Practical Use for Enterprises and Industries and that Supports Regional Development
    • Establishments of Multidisciplinary Centres that Specialize in Research by Consolidating some Departments at Yangon University and Mandalay University
    • Establishment of National Management College in Mandalay as in Yangon
    • Establishment of National Centre for English Language in Mandalay as in Yangon and
    • Establishment of Community Development Centres at Universities and Degree Colleges to Contribute to Regional Development
April 2006 Reviewing progress of implementation of the fifth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year
Discussion of five papers presented at the Seminar on Upgrading the National Education (Higher Education Sector) related to

  • Status of implementation of decisions of the 2005 Seminar on Upgrading National Education (Higher Education)
  • ICT-based management system
  • Report on the completion status of the first five-year short-term plan (2001-2002 to 2005-2006) of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Plan (2001-2002 to 2030-2031) for the Development of National Education (Higher Education sector)
  • Review of the higher education sector of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Plan for the Development of National Education and future tasks
  • Developing the Academic Quality of Universities of Distance Education


The papers presented at the Seminar on Upgrading the Curricula and Syllabuses of the Higher Education Sector are


  • Progamme to revise the curricula and syllabuses of Postgraduate Arts and Science Courses of Arts and Science Universities
  • Programme to revise the curricula and syllabuses of Undergraduate Arts and Science Courses of Distance Education Universities
  • Programme to revise the curricula and syllabuses of Undergraduate Arts and Science Courses of Institutes of Education and Education Colleges
  • Programme to revise the curricula and syllabuses of Undergraduate Arts and Science Courses of Institutes of Economics
  • Programme to revise the curricula and syllabuses of Undergraduate Arts and Science Courses of Universities of Foreign Languages
  • Programme to make continuous study of international curricula according to disciplines using the Internet
  • Programme to assess the effectiveness of teaching according to the curricula and syllabuses
April 2007 Reviewing progress of implementation of the sixth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year.
Discussion of three papers related to

  • Status of implementation of decisions of the 2006 Seminar on Upgrading National Education (Higher Education)
  • Intensifying research which can serve the interest of the State
  • Review of authorization for those who passed the undergraduate programmes to attend Master’s Degree Programmes opened by Certres for Human Resource Development (CHRD) of universities and future tasks
April 2008 Reviewing progress of implementation of the seventh year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year.
Discussion of five papers related to

  • Status of implementation of decisions of the 2007 Seminar on Upgrading National Education (Higher Education)
  • Programme to upgrade the quality of Distance Education Universities
  • Programme to upgrade the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate courses of regular universities
  • Programme to extend research activities
  • Programme on activities to upgrade the proficiency level of English from undergraduate to PhD level
April 2009 Reviewing progress of implementation of the eighth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year.
Discussion of five papers related to

  • Programme to collaborate with ASEAN University Network
  • Programme to incorporate theses in Master’s courses to upgrade the quality of Master’s students
  • Programme to upgrade the quality of Distance Education
  • Programme to assess the quality of higher education programmes using Quality Assurance System used in ASEAN universities
  • Programme to enhance applied researches that can serve the interests of the state
April 2010 Reviewing progress of implementation of the ninth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year.
Discussion of six papers related to

  • Programme to include term/ project papers in undergraduate programmes to upgrade the quality of undergraduate students
  • Programmes to upgrade the quality of research at higher education institutions and to offer best research awards to outstanding researchers
  • Programme to initiate Test of English as a Foreign Language for Advanced Studies (TEFLAS)
  • Programme to develop Quality Assurance System which is in line with the QA system practised in international institutions
  • Programme to initiate sports activities in higher education institutions in order to develop well-disciplined human resource with sound health
  • Programme to create effective distance education system
April 2011 Reviewing progress of implementation of the tenth year of the Thirty-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan and scheduling of programmes to be implemented in the new fiscal year.
Discussion of five papers related to

  • Programme to enhance research capabilities of higher education institutions
  • Programme to effectively practise conceptual teaching and learning
  • Programme to upgrade the quality of higher education sector and to promote all-round development of higher education institutions
  • Programme to develop well-disciplined human resource
  • Programme to raise the awareness of environmental conservation


3.2 Seminar on National Education Development (Higher Education Sector), (2012)

The Seminar on National Education Development (Higher Education Sector) (2012) was held at Taunggyi University in Shan State on 19-22 May, 2012.


Union Minister for Education giving an address at the Closing Ceremony of the Seminar on
National Education Development (Higher Education Sector), 2012
The seven topics discussed at the seminar were as follows:
1. Review of the implementation of tasks on promoting the quality of students discussed at the central level workshop, and cascade workshops that were conducted in respective universities and degree colleges by pointing out, from all aspects, the strengths and weaknesses and discussing better means of promoting the quality of students
2. Review of the implementation of tasks on promoting the quality of teachers discussed at the central level workshop, and cascade workshops that were conducted in respective universities and degree colleges by pointing out, from all aspects, the strengths and weaknesses and discussing better means of promoting the quality of teachers
3. Review of the implementation of tasks to be carried out regarding the drive to conduct applied research in respective universities and degree colleges by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses and discussing better means of conducting applied research
4. Review of the implementation of tasks to be carried out regarding the international collaboration and scholarship programmes by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses and discussing better means of promoting international collaboration and scholarship programmes
5. Review of the implementation of tasks to be carried out regarding the existing administrative systems in higher education by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses and discussing better means of harnessing existing administrative systems
6. Seeking feasible Quality Assurance system for higher education institutions to meet international standards
7. Seeking feasible ways and means to create a better learning environment which will develop the patriotism and union spirit of higher education students and foster their positive attitude towards nation building.


Deputy Minister for Education and participants attending the Seminar on National Education Development (Higher Education Sector), 2012

At this seminar, focus was put on the review of the implementation of tasks by pointing out frankly the strengths and weaknesses of the existing education systems and discussing the better means of developing these systems.


Director General of DHEL and participants discussing at the Seminar on National Education Development (Higher Education Sector), 2012
The 32 outcomes of the Seminar on National Education Development (Higher Education Sector), 2012 are as follows:

    No.                                                                  Future Plans

  1. To use both English and Myanmar in discussions and lectures in the undergraduate courses in order to enhance students’ comprehension
  2. To hold more workshops for teachers so that teachers would develop self-study skill, communication skill, analytical skill, synthesis skill, critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, creative skill and decision-making skill of their students
  3. Teachers are to prepare lesson plans that develop the self-study skill, communication skill, analytical skill, synthesis skill, critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, creative skill and decision-making skill of their students
  4. To continuously make sure that teachers use lesson plans that develop self-study skill, communication skill, analytical skill, synthesis skill, critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, creative skill and decision-making skill of their students
  5. To collect references on self-study skill, communication skill, analytical skill, synthesis skill, critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, creative skill and decision-making skill and distribute them to universities and colleges
  6. To fully provide teaching aids (references, libraries, laboratory equipment, internet access, etc.) and make sure they are used effectively
  7. To apply assessment criteria of the students’ performance in order to know whether they have developed self-study skill, communication skill, analytical skill, synthesis skill, critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, creative skill and decision-making skill or not
  8. To conduct refresher’s courses for teachers who will teach modules revised by Board of Studies
  9. To make changes in the teaching style at the tertiary level so that students would grasp the concepts and essence of a subject and to compile a guidebook for teachers on teaching techniques
  10. To hold central level workshops on teaching methods that are compatible with respective subjects
  11. To hold cascade workshops on teaching methods that are appropriate to respective subjects
  12. Faculty of respective disciplines to hold discussions and conduct trainings in their universities to have comprehensive knowledge of Research Methodology
  13. Researchers are to claim the expenses of their research works in detail and Departments of Higher Education are to grant the research funding
  14. To provide researchers with the equipment needed for their researches
  15. To recruit laboratory assistants required for laboratories; to amend the qualification required for laboratory assistants; and to conduct upgrading courses for the newly appointed laboratory assistants
  16. To continue holding weekly research paper reading sessions in all universities
  17. To have an exhibition of research papers and research projects in universities at least once a year
  18. Higher Education Departments are to annually hold the best research paper award competition
  19. To conduct collaborative researches among departments, local universities and foreign universities
  20. Priority is to be given to researches that can directly contribute to the development of the nation’s economy and in doing so, to collaborate with other ministries, other regional government organizations and other business organizations
  21. To disseminate information on future scholarship programmes, the number of scholarship received and fields of study for which scholarships are offered as a result of discussions between the Ministry of Education and international educational institutions
  22. To allow those who apply for scholarships on their own to attend the overseas training courses they have applied for and those who are invited to attend international meetings and seminars to be able to attend the meetings and seminars on the condition that attending the courses and the meetings and seminars do not affect their duties
  23. To conduct short-term and long-term certificate courses under HRD programmes in collaboration with international education institutions
  24. To carry out joint researches, to hold joint seminars, to make arrangements for faculty exchange, student exchange programmes and to conduct staff capacity building trainings, in collaboration with international education institutions and organizations
  25. Directors of Higher Education Departments, Rectors and responsible personnel from education departments are to discuss matters related to collaborative activities with international education institutions in accordance with education policy of the State
  26. To review the definition of authority, responsibility and accountability to departments of Higher Education and universities, and to make amendments, if necessary, depending on the kinds of tasks to be carried out
  27. To discuss matters related to the responsibilities and administrative structure of Higher Education Departments and universities and make amendments in order to achieve their maximum level of performance
  28. To set goals and norms for graduate and post-graduate programmes of each university, and all universities have to cooperate in setting goals and norms
  29. To form IQA assessment team for each university
  30. To form IQA assessment team for each university for the 2012-2013 Academic Year and the team is to submit its report to Departments of Higher Education in November, 2013
  31. Universities are to organize social activities and to conduct development programmes for students in order to enhance their creativity, leadership skill and active participation
  32. To select outstanding and intellectually mature students and award them